0.3 --- - Bugfix for an entry bug where the url wouldn't show until a second later and a wrong url is displayed breifly. - New Logo on webpage and in SkipStone about box, courtesy of Mike Osborne - Bookmarks and Bookmark editor and Bookmark toolbar (hidable) - A small fix for popup menus. - New Reload icon courtesy of paul@redhotants.com (the whole set is his but this is a new one ) Thanks Paul. - menu bar is in a handlebox now. - re-wrote config dialog to use notebook style widget. - maximum number of urls that is stored in the popup can be configured now. - net status is reported to the statusbar - If skipstone is running, open a new window with the url if provided, dont start another process. 0.2 --- - Combo box instead of the entry where it keeps the history of visited sites, History file is ~/.skipstone/urls. - Prefs and pref dialog. RC file is ~/.skipstonerc - Middle click opens a new window. (TEMP hack until we use the new gtkmozembed functions) - context sensitive menus for open in window and open in new window and download link. (Also a temp function) - Mailto urls are handled by prefered mailer (default pronto). - .tar.gz and .tar.bz2 currently handled by your prefered download manager (default wget). - support for js new window. - Skipdownload a Gtk::Perl downloader which is a frontend to wget (falls back to regular wget if no Gtk::Perl is found). - some misc fixes. 0.1 --- - Initial Release - Basic Browsing with back - forward - stop and new window capibilties.